Recreational Programs
Upcoming Program Dates
Pre-Holiday Camp: December 21-23
Extended Holiday Camp: Dec. 27-Jan. 3
No programs on January 1.
New Year’s Kickstarter Camp: Jan. 2-3
January 4-5 is the first weekend of regular programs.
Expect to be notified of your camp groupings, instructors, meeting times and locations on December 19.
Gearing Up for the Season
Tips & tricks to help your young athletes get ready for a successful season.
Ensure your Gear Fits Properly
One wrinkle can make or break your whole day! No, we’re not talking about the kind of smile lines that you think, we’re talking about ensuring that everyone in your family has properly fitting gear, from their toes to their nose!
The pre-season is the perfect time of year to practice gearing up in all your ski or snowboard gear to make sure everything fits *just right*. Try to take a page from Goldilocks Book, and aim for gear that is not too big, or not too small, but rather fits just right!
Practice Putting Gear On
Have your little ones “suit up” with their favourite base layers, ski socks, snow pants & winter coat a few times over the pre-season. Practice putting on ski or snowboard boots – with the smoothest socks & long john’s possible – no wrinkles in your boots = happy feet! Have young children practice walking around in their ski or snowboard boots, especially if this is your first winter hitting the slopes, ski boots can be especially tricky to master, and even a few laps around the living room can make everything feel a little less foreign on your first day on snow.
Confirm Your Gear is Safe and Ready to Hit the Slopes
We love seeing all our returning friends on that first day back at the hill for their ski or snowboard programs, and most often you will hear the words “wow, you grew so much this summer”! This likely also means that the gear worn last year might not be the same gear being used this season. Height changes, and weight changes, both are things that can have a huge impact on the functionality of your skis/bindings, so be sure to pay a visit to your favourite ski & board shop to ensure your equipment is adjusted as necessary to ensure everything is set up correctly, and safely. This is also a good time to ensure that helmets fit properly so they can do their job properly, heads grow too! A safe and comfortable athletes is a happy athlete!
Label Your Child(ren)’s Equipment
Last, but certainly not least, it’s always a good idea to label your child’s ski or snowboard equipment. This can be a simple as a last name in permanent marker under the foot, or your child’s favorite sticker on each tip with their initials. Small identifiers like these make finding equipment after lunch, or at the end of the day, much easier for everyone!
Stay Tuned!
Next week’s Programs Bulletin will include:
- Meet Our Supervisors
- Save The Date(s)