January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025

Race Bulletin

Racing This Weekend

Friday, January 17:

U10/U12 Invitational PSL @ Mt. St. Louis
U16 OCUP SL @ Toronto Ski Club 

Saturday, January 18:

U8/U10 (6-8 Year Olds) @ Alpine (Kent)
U10 (9 year Olds) PSL @ Devils Glen  
U14 Bracket 1 PSL @ Osler Bluff  

Sunday, January 19:

U12 Val D’Isere Bracket PSL @ Craigleith
U12 Wengen Bracket PSL @ Alpine (Kent)
U12 Kranjska-Gora PSL @ Georgian Peaks
U12 Garmish-Partenkirchen PSL @ Osler
U14 Bracket 2 PSL @ TSC
U16/18 Bracket 1 SL @ Alpine (Challenge)

Coaches’ Corner

Hello Ski Racing Fans,

We have now enjoyed a few weeks of fantastic skiing and training at Alpine and most of our teams have started into their completion phase of the season.

Please check our hillspace linked above to see where your team is training or racing this coming weekend. Please also review the Results section at the bottom of the page for all the latest achievements.

Now that we are into the competition phase of the season here are some notes that might help our young racers:

  • Always use positive self-talk in the start gate.
  • Use a positive motivating phrase in your head while performing. E.g. Outside ski, or “you can do it”, etc.
  • Ask your coach for support on race day. There are no bad questions. Your coaches are there to help you and they understand your anxiety.
  • Try to thank the host club’s race crew. They are volunteers and without them there would be no races.
  • Don’t forget to thank your parents for supporting you in your ski racing journey!

Thank you, athletes, parents and coaches, and best of luck at all your races this weekend!

Friday Training

Be sure to look at the hillspace linked at the top of the page for your age group’s Friday Training discipline.

Friday trainings are optional. We ask that you please use the sign up form below to let us know if your racer will attend a Friday Training by no later than the Wednesday prior each week. Even if you purchased a package of trainings we still ask that you sign up each week so we can account for attendance.

U12 All-Inclusive and OCup athletes do not need to complete this form, but are requested to let their coaches know of their attendance.

Friday training runs from 9:15-3:15 with lunch from 11:30-12:30. Lunch is subject to change due to conditions and hillspace.

NZ Thursday Night Training @ Craigleith

Jan. 16-Feb. 13
Register via the link below.

Alpine Programs Fundraiser

This year, join us in supporting Alpine’s on-hill programs further with fundraising initiatives happening all season long! The main event is Saturday, February 8, with our annual live and silent auctions but there are plenty more ways to get involved and make a difference throughout the season. Every contribution helps us elevate our programs and create unforgettable experiences on the slopes.

Let’s go #ALLIN for Alpine Programs!

Call for Donors

We are constantly seeking opportunities to further enhance your experience at the Club, and this year’s programs fundraising efforts aim to do just that. Throughout the Club’s history, our member’s fundraising efforts have built the foundation of our on-hill programs and allowed us to develop our infrastructure, equipment and offerings to grow and improve your experience each season. 

We’re seeking donations for our silent auction and need your help! Consider contributing unique items, services, or experiences to make this event a success. All proceeds will go toward supporting our programs and enhancing the Alpine experience. Contact us to donate—every contribution makes a difference! 

Adult Racing

Fun & Glory Training:

We will be training Sunday 9:30-11:30am with coaches Derek and Sarah.  Check hillspace for your hill and discipline.

Bib Pick Up:  

If you missed getting your bib from the first race. You can pick up in the Programs Office from the Race Admin desk.  

Next Races:

Masters Interclub: Saturday, January 18 at Georgian Peaks.

Fun & Glory: Sunday, January 26 GS on Kent
Inspection: 12:30-12:45pm, start time 1:00pm – Snowboarders run first, then skiers.

Fun & Glory Schedule 

Jan. 12: Ski / SB GS on Kent, 1:00pm
Jan. 26: Ski / SB GS on Kent, 1:00pm
Feb. 9: Ski SL on Kent / SB GS on Kent, 1:00pm
Feb. 16: Ski GS on Challenge / SB on Kent, 1:00pm
Feb. 22: 4:30pm start, Dual after Dark, Lower Alpine (optional)

Masters Interclub Schedule

Jan. 11: Craigleith  – AM start  
Jan. 18: Georgian Peaks – GS 
Jan. 25: Jozo/Blue Mtn – GS – AM start 
Feb. 8: TSC/Blue Mtn – SL 
Feb. 22: Alpine – GS – Finals 

Fun & Glory Dual After Dark

Join us on February 22 for the 1st annual Fun & Glory Dual Slalom under our new lights starting at 4:30pm! This exciting new event will run in a head-to-head format, complete with an instant elimination round, and timed finals for the ultimate bragging rights going to the male and female winners! 

Masters Interclub Update

Alpine’s Interclub team had a strong showing with 23 racers in Saturday’s first race, earning 417 points and finishing second behind Craigleith (432 points). Caledon placed third with 385 points. Just 15 points off the lead and three races to go, Alpine is well-positioned to reclaim the Hetherington Cup!

Full race results are now available on the interclubski.org website. 

A few highlights of the day include: 

  • Alpine’s fastest male was Ben Williamson who had the 4th fastest time of the day,
  • Alpine’s fastest female was Steph Lachance-Coward who was the third fastest female in the field.
  • The top 3 point getters for the guys were Karol Slabon (31 pts), Rod Hawtin (29 pts), and Jeff Parr (27 pts).
  • The top 3 ladies point getters were Steph Lachance-Coward (23 pts), Sheri Ramsaw (23 pts), and Laura Libby (22 pts).

Congrats to all those who participated. Go Alpine Go!


Our parameters for race results are to share any Alpine athlete who places in the top 10 (top 20 for OCup).
Please share photos of your athlete’s podium by email.

Saturday, January 11:

U14 OCup SL @ Beaver Valley (Men):
7th Jack Lauzon, 13th Bowie Vitello-Craig, 14th Beckett Goldfarb

U14 OCup SL @ Mansfield (Women):
10th Melanie Tian, 13th Alison Manning, 17th Emerson Einav

FIS SL @ Alpine:
1st Gabby Wall, 5th Shelby Brock

Sunday, January 12:

6-8 Year Olds GS @ Alpine (Kent) Results

Fun & Glory GS on Kent:

Fun and Glory SKI Results 

Fun and Glory SB Results 

U14 OCup Ladies SL @ Mansfield: 10th Melanie Tian